Soul Winning
Lots of Christians wish they were better at sharing their faith with their friends, family, and neighbors. At Spokane Baptist, we take Christ's Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) seriously, and are committed not only to reaching out - but to training others to be skilled in sharing the Gospel also. Whatever your skill level, we'd love to have you get involved with our soul-winning ministry and experience firsthand the joy of obeying Christ in this most important area.
Adult Bible Study
Everyone faces challenges and struggles that can only be answered from God’s Word. We all need direction and wisdom. You need friends that help and strengthen you along the way. You need influences that encourage spiritual growth rather than stunting it. All of this and more can be found in the Adult Bible Studies at Spokane Baptist. With weekly classes and regular activities, we are growing together as believers in Christ. Join us each Sunday at 9:15am.
Connection Groups
Every Wednesday night, we gather together in small groups to Share, Rejoice, and Pray specifically for one another.
The Pastor gives a short devotional, and then we settle in with a cup of coffee and groups of 8 - 10 to share our Christian journey.
Everyone is welcome and invited to share, whether you're learning to grow, facing a struggle, or rejoicing in a blessing from our Saviour. We're here to encourage and strengthen one another!
Children of all ages
At every service, we offer meticulously clean and lovingly staffed nursery care for babies and very young children.
We also have classes for children of all ages and abilities. We don’t use pre-set age limits, instead, we want to work with you to find the class that will be of the most benefit for your child!
At Spokane Baptist, we don’t take the privilege of ministering to young people lightly. We want to continually earn your trust by providing an environment that is unfailingly safe, loving, and spiritually and emotionally nurturing.
After Service Meals
One unique thing you'll notice about our church right away is that we eat a meal together after every Sunday morning service. This gives us more time together as a church family to encourage one another and to build life-long friendships. You don't need to contribute anything to stay for lunch... we love it when our guests join us for a meal! We hope you'll stick around on your first visit and get to know our wonderful family a little better.